Using Gretl econometric software, you will have to find an equation describing the underlying relationship between these variables.

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Using Gretl econometric software, you will have to find an equation describing the underlying relationship between these variables.

   The file provided to you for this section contains a sample data set on two quarterly time series, namely,  and . Using Gretl econometric software, you will have to find an equation describing the underlying relationship between these variables. To do that, proceed as follows:     Microeconomic theory states that the cost of production should be a function of input factors, i.e. . Sometimes, firms find it difficult to identify all relevant input factors and their cost, and such task is even more difficult for researchers that can only access a subset of the information that the firm has. In these cases, a common empirical approach that bypasses this issue is the estimation of cost functions that depend upon the firm’s output level rather than input factors. The latter is justified in microeconomic theory as input factors and output and linked through a production function. In this question, you will have to conduct an investigation on literature using this approach following these steps:    Graddy (2006) uses a 2-stage-least-squares (2SLS) instrumental-variable (IV) procedure to estimate the demand for fish in the Fulton market, based on the following simultaneous-equation specification: Demand: ,Supply:  The notation is described in the data set file provided to you and also in Graddy (2006). Considering this information:   Reference: Graddy, K. (2006), “The Fulton Fish Market,” 20(2): 207-220.    

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