Key to successful networking is keeping in contact with each member of your network. There are many tools available to assist you. Personalized contact is more effective, but time does not always allow for writing individual letters to everyone.Many Microsoft Office products allow you to integrate information so you can create personalized memos, letters, and emails. Using an Excel database list or Outlook, you can quickly disseminate information to everyone on a mailing list.In this activity you are to create a marketing letter that would be suitable for mailing to list of customers. You may have a detailed mailing list of your network. Connect to the online help of Microsoft Word and take the training session to learn how to use the mail merge feature. Practice documents are available at . As you utilize the mail merge feature more, you may find you want to mail a marketing letter to customers in a specific postal code, and add a personalized greeting and a note to the letter. training will teach more advanced features.After completing the mail merge, you will submit one pre-merge letter showing the fields in the Microsoft Word document, and one completed sample letter from the assignment showing the final merged information.