Unit II Essay Instructions

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Unit II Essay Instructions

Unit II Essay Instructions
This assignment focuses on the following course outcome:
Course Outcome 1: Analyze personal motivation for learning.
My Goals for College Success. In this essay, you will be writing about your motivation for coming to
Columbia Southern University. This should be at least 250 words describing why you chose to enroll in
college and what you hope to accomplish, including the field of study and degree you are seeking. Also,
include a description of what you expect to accomplish in your life or career as a result of obtaining your
college degree. In describing what you expect to accomplish, be specific. List where you would like to
work, jobs and positions you would like to attain. In this essay, identify any barriers that may impact
success in completing your college degree. You should write about your thoughts in the first person,
meaning refer to yourself as “I”, “me” or “my”. The difference between an essay and a research paper is
that in a research paper you would use the third person. In third person you refer to yourself as “the
researcher” or “this writer”.
Format the essay in APA style by including each of the following in your essay:
? Use 1? margins on all sides.
? Select Times New Roman typeface at 12-point font size.
? Double-space all lines of text, including quotations and references when included. Double-space only
once between paragraphs.
? Align the text flush left.
? Indent the first line of each paragraph. Use the tab key for consistent indentations, but if
that option is not available, indent 5-7 spaces or ½ inch.
Submit. Save the Unit II Essay in a word-processing document (i.e., Word). Name the file with your first
name, last name, and Unit II Essay. Here is an example: John Smith Unit II Essay. Click on
“View/Complete” to submit it. Then, you will see a place to attach a file.
A look ahead…
Immediately, your professor will begin grading your essay. Shortly after, you will be able to view your
grade and the accompanying feedback for the Unit II Essay. Since any form of writing should be
reviewed, your professor’s feedback will include recommendations for improving the essay. In Unit IV, you
will have an opportunity to revise and improve your Unit II Essay and submit it again for another grade.
Review the professor’s feedback by clicking on the “View Rubric” button in Blackboard. Apply the
recommendations from your professor by adding or removing content and revise the essay for items such
as grammar, spelling, or punctuation.
Click here to view a guide about accessing your professor’s feedback in Blackboard.

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APA Formatting: The
Mechanics of APA
1APA Formatting
APA can best be understood by focusing on the three ways CSU students
use APA in academic essays and papers. These include the following:
• in-text citations
• reference page development
• formatting
Developing familiarity and competence in these three areas will allow you
to apply the rules of APA in academic writing assignments at CSU.
2Mechanics of APA
This unit focuses on the Headers and formatting the document.
APA sets specific requirements in how to format a document. For example,
these requirements include: margins, font size, line spacing, and formatting
the title page and subsequent pages of a research paper.
In this unit, we will discuss the author’s voice, formatting a document, and
section headings. The title page formatting is presented in Unit VIII to
prepare for the submission of the final paper.
3The Structure
The structure or layout for the APA paper varies depending on the type of
paper. Dissertations, literature reviews, and scientific studies all have
varying components.
The Author’s Voice
The difference between an essay and a research paper is that in a research
paper you would write as a third person observer. In third person you refer
to yourself as “the researcher” or “this writer.”
However, sometimes the writer needs to write in the first person, using
personal pronouns of I, me, and my when relating information.
The 6
th edition APA manual, Section 3.09 page 69, says to “use I if you are
the sole author of the paper.”
The paper assignment in this course is an essay written by you. You should
write about your thoughts in the first person, meaning refer to yourself as
“I”, “me” or “my”.
In subsequent courses expect to use the voice of third person unless
directed differently.
4Formatting the Document
? Use 1? margins on all sides.
? Select Times New Roman typeface at 12-point font size.
? Double-space all lines of text, including quotations and references.
Double-space only once between paragraphs.
? Align the text flush left.
? Quotations 40 words or longer should be in the block-quote format,
and indented 1/2 inch.
? Indent the first line of each paragraph. Use the tab key for consistent
indentations, but if that option is not available, indent 5-7 spaces or ½
Please use the CSU-APA Guide for specific instructions. It is housed in the
myCSU Student Portal in the learning resources section. The writing and
APA webinars specifically are on the writing resources page. The APA Guide
is located in the writing section under APA. The link is below.


Headings can be used to divide a research paper into sections; all topics of
equal importance should have the same level of headings throughout a
Two or possibly three levels of heading will be sufficient for a research
? Level 1 headings are
Centered and Boldface Font with Standard Title Capitalization
? Level 2 headings are
Flush Left with Boldface Font and Standard Title Capitalization
? Level 3 headings are
Indented with boldface font, capitalization of only the first word and
proper nouns, and a period at the end. (*These headings flow into the
next sentence. In other words, the line of text begins on the same line as the
6More on information in later Units
The reference citations for the preceding examples are offered for
illustration purposes. Review the Unit VI instructional material for a full
discussion on how to compile and document an APA Reference Page.
Unit III – Direct quotations
Unit IV – Paraphrased or indirect quotations
Unit V – Title Page and Reference page

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Name: LSS1300-14C-Unit_II_Essay_GradingRubric

       Grid View

List View

  Exemplary Competent Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Analyze personal motivation for learning Points:

Points Range: 55 (55%) – 60 (60%)

An explanation of why the writer has decided to attend college online courses now, hopes for accomplishment in school, field of study and degree are stated, and expectations for accomplishments in career (or life) as a result of obtaining the college degree are stated. The identification of barrier(s) that kept the writer from attending college.



Points Range: 46 (46%) – 54 (54%)

An explanation of why the writer has decided to attend courses related to personal motivation for learning and their hopes for accomplishments in the future. A statement of a barrier that kept the writer from attending college previously.



Points Range: 37 (37%) – 45 (45%)

A statement of why the writer has decided to attend courses, related to personal motivation for learning. A statement of a barrier that kept the writer from attending college previously.



Points Range: 0 (0%) – 36 (36%)

Includes general opinionated statements that are unrelated to personal motivation for learning.


Writing mechanics: grammar, spelling, and punctuation Points:

Points Range: 19 (19%) – 20 (20%)

Grammar includes proper sentence structure, subject and verb agreement, no run-on sentences, and no slang words. All words are spelled correctly and all punctuation is correct.



Points Range: 16 (16%) – 18 (18%)

One or two errors in sentence structure, subject and verb agreement, run-on sentences and slang words. One or two words are misspelled. One or two punctuation errors.



Points Range: 13 (13%) – 15 (15%)

Three to five errors in sentence structure, subject and verb agreement, run-on sentences and slang words. Three to five words are misspelled. Three to five punctuation errors.



Points Range: 0 (0%) – 12 (12%)

The paper includes several errors with the writing mechanics, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.


Organization of written paper Points:

Points Range: 19 (19%) – 20 (20%)

Thoughts follow a logical flow, adding to each other and cumulating into a complete picture. Transitions are used to move from one point to another point.



Points Range: 16 (16%) – 18 (18%)

Thoughts mostly follow a logical flow, adding to each other and cumulating into a complete picture. One or two transitions are not used to move from one point to another point.



Points Range: 13 (13%) – 15 (15%)

Thoughts mostly follow a logical flow, adding to each other and cumulating into a complete picture. Three to five transitions are not used to move from one point to another point.



Points Range: 0 (0%) – 12 (12%)

The paper does not flow logically and it excludes several transitions.


Show Descriptions Show Feedback

Analyze personal motivation for learning–

Levels of Achievement:

Exemplary 55 (55%) – 60 (60%)

An explanation of why the writer has decided to attend college online courses now, hopes for accomplishment in school, field of study and degree are stated, and expectations for accomplishments in career (or life) as a result of obtaining the college degree are stated. The identification of barrier(s) that kept the writer from attending college.

Competent 46 (46%) – 54 (54%)

An explanation of why the writer has decided to attend courses related to personal motivation for learning and their hopes for accomplishments in the future. A statement of a barrier that kept the writer from attending college previously.

Satisfactory 37 (37%) – 45 (45%)

A statement of why the writer has decided to attend courses, related to personal motivation for learning. A statement of a barrier that kept the writer from attending college previously.

Not Satisfactory 0 (0%) – 36 (36%)

Includes general opinionated statements that are unrelated to personal motivation for learning.


Writing mechanics: grammar, spelling, and punctuation–

Levels of Achievement:

Exemplary 19 (19%) – 20 (20%)

Grammar includes proper sentence structure, subject and verb agreement, no run-on sentences, and no slang words. All words are spelled correctly and all punctuation is correct.

Competent 16 (16%) – 18 (18%)

One or two errors in sentence structure, subject and verb agreement, run-on sentences and slang words. One or two words are misspelled. One or two punctuation errors.

Satisfactory 13 (13%) – 15 (15%)

Three to five errors in sentence structure, subject and verb agreement, run-on sentences and slang words. Three to five words are misspelled. Three to five punctuation errors.

Not Satisfactory 0 (0%) – 12 (12%)

The paper includes several errors with the writing mechanics, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.


Organization of written paper–

Levels of Achievement:

Exemplary 19 (19%) – 20 (20%)

Thoughts follow a logical flow, adding to each other and cumulating into a complete picture. Transitions are used to move from one point to another point.

Competent 16 (16%) – 18 (18%)

Thoughts mostly follow a logical flow, adding to each other and cumulating into a complete picture. One or two transitions are not used t

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