Underneath parts of Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Texas, and Oklahoma lies the Ogallala Aquifer. There are dire warnings about the rapid depletion of this vast aquifer. Yet, at the same time, states like Kansas are very much the food production centers of the nation. These food producers use the irrigation that is also draining the aquifer.For your essay, make a case for curbing or continuing the use of irrigation in states that use the Ogallala Aquifer for water used in irrigation.

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Underneath parts of Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Texas, and Oklahoma lies the Ogallala Aquifer. There are dire warnings about the rapid depletion of this vast aquifer. Yet, at the same time, states like Kansas are very much the food production centers of the nation. These food producers use the irrigation that is also draining the aquifer.For your essay, make a case for curbing or continuing the use of irrigation in states that use the Ogallala Aquifer for water used in irrigation.

Underneath parts of Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Texas, and Oklahoma lies the Ogallala Aquifer. There are dire warnings about the rapid depletion of this vast aquifer. Yet, at the same time, states like Kansas are very much the food production centers of the nation. These food producers use the irrigation that is also draining the aquifer.For your essay, make a case for curbing or continuing the use of irrigation in states that use the Ogallala Aquifer for water used in irrigation.In addition to the arguments on global warming in the text book, use one more outside source. Your paper needs to be a minimum of 500 words. Use APA standards. You may not use Wikipedia for a source

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