Transgenderism (Chapter 4)

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Transgenderism (Chapter 4)

Please respond to the following questions You may refer to information from the chapters, your notes, and guest speakers.  Feel free to use the powerpoints from the

guest lecturers.
From Neca Allgood’s presentation:  Transgenderism (Chapter 4)
Dr. Allgood showed us an image called the “Genderbread Person”.  Using that idea, please define the following terms and describe how they are different from each

other. (NOTE: you can find many images of the genderbread person on the internet.)
a. gender identity
b. gender expression
c. sexual orientation
d. biological sex
2. Describe the difference between hormone blockers and cross hormones. Be sure to include how and when they are used.
3.  What is the difference between transgenderism and homosexuality?

From Planned Parenthood presentation (Kirsten):  Contraception and Abortion (Chapter 13)
4.  What does LARC stand for? Why is LARC important?
5.  Explain three key differences between a medical abortion and a surgical abortion.
6.  Describe two types of contraception. Please include how they work, their approximate effectiveness and what category of contraception they belong to.

From Rape Crisis Coordinator (Sariah): Power and Sexual Coercion (Chapter 17)
7.  How has the myth that a man could never be raped by a woman made male rape more humiliating for the victims?
8.  If a woman who was alone and drunk at a bar dancing very seductively with several men is raped, do you think she is more to blame than a woman who was raped in the

street by an unknown assailant while walking home from work? Please explain your thinking.
9. Please list three reasons why many women are reluctant to report being raped.
10. Why do you think a highly religious, conservative state like Utah has a higher rate of rape than high crime cities such as New York, LA and D.C.?
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