DIRECTIONS: Distinguished Level Categories 1. Creates an appropriate and thorough training program plan designed to enhance performance and improve results for a given organization. 2. Applies training and development knowledge to evaluate training program for a given organization and provides a supporting rationale. 3. Evaluates alignment of a training program with a given organization’s vision, mission, and strategic planning; and provides a supporting rationale. 4. Explains lessons learned about training and development in a thorough discussion. 5. Describes revisions to be made to components of a training development project and rationale for the revision of each component in a thorough discussion. Examine the Training Department Organizational Structure Scoring Guide to ensure that you will meet the requirements for this assignment. Read the documents attached in the assignment Resources about DNA’s mission and vision, their organizational structure, and their product lifecycle. Avoid integrating direct quotes and large chunks of quotes. Instead, summarize or paraphrase while inserting in-text citations to support your readings and research findings. NOTE: THIS IS A TEMPLATE THAT HAS TO HAVE ORIGINAL ANSWERS. THIS IS MEANT TO BE A REVISAL OF ORIGINAL WORK. IF YOU HAVE COMPLETED WORK FOR ME BEFORE DO NOT USE THE SAME ANSWERS. THESE ANSWERS NEED TO BE DIFFERENT.