Narrative – How the story is told using similar–sometimes formulaic–plots and structures, predictable situations, sequences, episodes, obstacles, conflicts and resolutions that your film presents and how and why they are representative of the film genre your movie falls into Characterization – similar types of characters–sometimes stereotypes– roles, personal qualities, motivations, goals, behavior that are depicted in the movie that are also representative of the genre Themes–topics, subject matter social, cultural, psychological, professional, political, sexual, moral values that are depicted in the film and how they are also representative of the genre Ideology—what type of underlying set of assumptions about the world, people in the world does the film present Detail and discuss the cinematic formulas used in the film and how and why they are representative of the genre Conclude with a two or more paragraphs where you take a stand/make an argument of how and why you think the film you chose is an important film in the genre it falls into NOTE: DON’T FORGET TO WRITE AN INTRODUCTION!!!!!