The song is ”Every little thing gonna be all right” (Bob Marley)

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The song is ”Every little thing gonna be all right” (Bob Marley)

Song Speech

3-4 Minutes

“I kept everything inside, and though I tried, it all fell apart. What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end, it doesn’t even matter…”

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“In the End” by Linkin Park (Example of what 2 lines of lyrics will look like)

Music can be very important to your life, and it can act as a reflection of your feelings and society’s outlook. You are going to choose a song that is meaningful to you and write a speech discussing the following:

1. THEME – explain what you feel the theme of the song is. Elaborate on this and draw from the lyrics to support your ideas.

2. PERSONAL MESSAGE – discuss the meaning that this song holds for you. How does it relate to you, your life, your experiences, your beliefs about the subject, etc.? You may want to relate a story here.

3. SOCIETAL MESSAGE – relate what you think this song has to do with society and/or your generation.

You also need to include at least six lines of lyrics in your speech (2 lines in each point). State a reason for reading the ones that you have chosen and read them with feeling and emotion. Finally, you must play a portion of the song for the audience as an attention getter and state a reason for choosing this part as your attention getter. For example, “These lyrics are what got me through my worst break up.”


1. Your speech must be between 3-4 minutes long. The portion of your song that you play as your attention getter should be no longer than 10 seconds.

2. You must hand in a written copy of the speech. Not an outline, but a written copy of the ENTIRE speech. If you do not have it, you will not be permitted to present the speech. Make sure to use full and complete sentences and use spell check. (You can use the English center if you have any concerns)You do NOT need to have this write-up memorized word for word. It is simply the basis for your extemporaneous speech.

3. Bring your speaking note card to class as well as the Speaker Evaluation Form.

Make sure to have song ready on your phone/device and know what time you need to stop it and start it.

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