The presidential election of 1912 was the most Progressive in UShistory, with the two frontrunners, Theodore Roosevelt and WoodrowWilson, both espousing Progressive philosophies. Although bothWilson and Roosevelt were Progressive, their attitudes towardProgressivism differed, at least in theory. This paper will providean opportunity to review the complex nature of Progressivism, andto explore how presidents’ policies while in office often differfrom their rhetoric on the campaign trail.
Using the primary sources below, compare andcontrast the two men’s principles based on their writings,and then, using the textbook and at least one secondary source fromthe library’s JSTOR or Project MUSE databases,compare each presidents’ political principles withhis actions while in office—how well did their actions match theirrhetoric?
Draw from the material in the AT LEAST ONE of theFollowing sources when writing your paper: