The Ethics and Future of Health Care in the U.S

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The Ethics and Future of Health Care in the U.S

The Ethics and Future of Health Care in the U.S.” Please respond to the following:

•Justify a hospital’s adoption of ethical protocols which cater to both affluent and indigent populations. From a moral standpoint, compare the primary services that the hospital may give to both. As a health administrator, predict the major hurdles of any major hospital facing government cutbacks. Outline a small contingency plan for minimizing excess spending. •From the e-Activity, compare and contrast the type of health care patients obtain in the U.S. as compared to the U.K. Assess the efficacy of the U.S. health care system overall. Evaluate the likelihood that citizens would face potential hurdles when attempting to acquire health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Ascertain the major consequences of 21st Century Americans not having sensible insurance coverage plans.

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