Southern Renaissance .

communication and personal identity
August 7, 2017
August 7, 2017
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Southern Renaissance .

Southern Renaissance .

Project instructions:
The Book is Norton Anthology of American Literature, Shorter 8th Edition, Volume 2 (1865-Present)

Direction:The term ?southern gothic? is heavily associated with southern literature. First, describe what the word gothic means in this context. Then, discuss how the

use of the ?gothic? in southern literature may or may not have contributed to the characteristics of the ?southern mind? and the South in transition from traditional

modes of life to modern modes. Use your class notes and plenty of examples from the texts to illustrate your points.

Reading Assignment:
from HAAL ?Modernism and the South? (.PDF, 1336-1337)attached
?I?ll Take My Stand? (.PDF, 1329-1330)attached
H.L. Mencken ?The Sahara of the Bozarts? (.PDF, d2336-2345)attached
William Faulkner ?A Rose for Emily? (998-1004)
Eudora Welty ?Petrified Man? (1094-1103)
Flannery O?Connor ?Good Country People? (1340-1353)
Robert Penn Warren ?Founding Fathers?? (.PDF, 2486)attached

Instructions: Write a deliberate and thoughtful response of no more than one page (single-spaced) or two pages (double-spaced) to the following Module Response Prompt.

Remember, your response should not include simple plot summaries for stories or poems. Instead, these responses should demonstrate your understanding of the module as

a whole (the Big Picture). This will be your chance to make connections between different authors and their works (inside or outside of that module), as well as

comment on significant historical or cultural events as they relate to the readings. Use the Module Notes and author web links to your advantage by synthesizing the

information with the assigned readings. Grammar and punctuation will count. Submit your Module Response through the appropriate Module Response assignment links found

in each Learning Module, or else under the Module Response link in blue along the left side of the screen. Please type your response in a Word file (.docx or .doc) or

a Rich Text File (.rtf) or a text file (.txt), save it, and then attach it as your submission. please cite the work..

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