Select two examples of SREs and, as a healthcare administrator, propose specifics for at least two prevention activities, processes or strategies.

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Select two examples of SREs and, as a healthcare administrator, propose specifics for at least two prevention activities, processes or strategies.


Review the information found at the following link:


Source: Never events: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Retrieved from


Then answer the following questions in a submission that is a minimum length of 500 words:


• Why are serious reportable events (SREs) important, and how is government involved (or not involved) in SRE prevention?


• Which of the 2011 serious reportable events (SREs) do you think are the most important or relevant to the type of healthcare organization that you wish to work for in the future? (To answer this question, please first state the type of care facility you would like to be employed by.)

• Select two examples of SREs and, as a healthcare administrator, propose specifics for at least two prevention activities, processes or strategies. (To answer this question effectively, you will perform some research in the Kaplan Library or on the internet to expand your knowledge about the SREs you select as well as established mitigation strategies.) o Which departments, staffs, or teams should be involved?

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