School to prison Pipeline

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School to prison Pipeline

School to prison Pipeline
I. Background
a. discuss an examples of institutional injustice that exists in the school to prison pipeline.
b. What is the history (if any) of efforts to fight this injustice?
c. What are the policies, laws, media images, societal norms, or other mechanisms that keep this institutional injustice in place?
d. Who most benefits from this injustice being kept in place

II. How this relates to human rights
a. Use the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights to determine what human rights are being violated in this institutional injustice. Make sure you name the article(s) involved:
b. Use your text and the Human Rights and Social Work manual to determine what UN declarations, committees or conventions support this/these human rights?
United Nations. (1994). Human rights and social work: A manual for schools of social work and the social work profession. Geneva: United Nations Centre for Human Rights. Retrieved from:

III. Current Assessment
a. Are there any government programs that are attempting to respond to/eradicate this injustice?
b. What are some non-government groups (discuss at least 2) that are working to fight this injustice? How are they fighting it?
c. How might a social worker advocate for a client or group facing this kind of injustice? What are some intervention strategies (give concrete examples)?

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