rticle must be related to Creating an Effective AtmosphereYou will be responsible for finding these articles for discussion and write a summary of the article to be handed in with the article.

Who was the story’s “protagonist”? It’s “antagonist”?
August 7, 2017
Analyze integrated marketing communications and its relationship to advertising strategy.
August 7, 2017
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rticle must be related to Creating an Effective AtmosphereYou will be responsible for finding these articles for discussion and write a summary of the article to be handed in with the article.

Article Due: Article must be related to Creating an Effective AtmosphereYou will be responsible for finding these articles for discussion and write a summary of the article to be handed in with the article. You will be graded on correct and up to date article as well as articulation of the topic with integration of the text, and turning in the actual article. Each article has a theme so look at the reading schedule to see what the article must be about.  All students are required to watch the following movies that depict various aspects of the court system and write a review of each movie. These movies are available through Netflix and should also be available through your local library, as they are classic films. Movie Review Two: Twelve Angry Men (1957) Movie reviews consist of the following parts: • Introduction, with title, leading actors, director, and release date • Summary of the story • Analysis of story elements – like rising action, climax • Creative elements, use of color, camera techniques, mood and tone • Your opinion of the movie. You need to go further than just saying that it was ”good” or ”bad.” Think about the movie in terms of what you are learning in class and how it does or does not help you understand the concepts we are discussing. • The reviews need to be analytic, as opposed to simply descriptive; by ”analytic,” I mean that the paper should seek to explain or understand something, and not just to describe it. You should watch the movies with a view toward what they can teach you about the course material. Neubauer, D. (2011). America’s courts and the criminal justice system. [11th edition] University of New Orleans: Thomson/Wadsworth.

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