rogerian essay

Critically evaluate the statement by Cook (2008) that ‘businesses are now recognizing that engaged employees are more productive, engender greater levels of customer loyalty and are more likely to encourage and contribute to organizational suc
August 7, 2017
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August 7, 2017
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rogerian essay

For this assignment you will use Rogerian Argument to persuade your opposition that your position is indeed valid. In other words, the audience for this paper will be those who oppose your position. You are simply trying to experiment with Roger’s four step format NOTE: The four-step process DOES NOT mean four paragraphs! You will have to decide how many paragraphs to use for each particular step, but you might well write two paragraphs for each; a minimum of five paragraphs are required. Here are the four steps:

1. Generically introduce the topic and show how it affects those on both sides of the argument. This should be done in such a way that DOES NOT show bias toward your position regarding the problem or issue. This section explains or depicts the issue while making sure not to influence the audience to agree with your views.
2. Identify your opposition’s point of view and explain it empathetically. This section of the essay should show that you understand your opponent’s position and can present it in such a way that does not attack or refute your audience’s point of view. This section also shows in which contexts and under what conditions elements of the opponent’s position may be valid. This part of the essay should show which part of the opponent’s position you could agree with. Many times it is simply the acknowledgement that the opposition does have valid points! Remember, this part of Rogerian Argument is absolutely critical!
3. State your own position and explain the contexts in which your position is valid. This section should present your position in terms that will not alienate your audience. Be careful not to make the opponent feel “wrong.”
4. Show that there is common ground between the two positions. Explain how your opponent’s position will benefit if they adopt elements of your own position. This section shows that the two positions complement each other and that each supplies what the other lacks. Try to reach a compromise that might solve the problem to the satisfaction of both sides.

Please keep in mind that even though this a relatively easy assignment, this essay is your last chance to display your ability to turn in college work. Make sure to proofread carefully and submit it in the proper format. It should look college! You may choose the topic of your choice to write the Rogerian paper, and if you wish you might try writing the rough draft in an epistolary (letter) style. Keep in mind it is much better to use a topic that has a clear opposition. It also can be very helpful if it is controversial!

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