Research: evidence of extensive independent research; use of at least 8 authoritative sources to answer the research question; uses peer-

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Research: evidence of extensive independent research; use of at least 8 authoritative sources to answer the research question; uses peer-

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Research: evidence of extensive independent research; use of at least 8 authoritative sources to answer the research question; uses peer-reviewed sources; engagement with research resources provided in the Topic List (I WII SEND THEM By EMAIL)

context: demonstrates discipline-specific knowledge; awareness of research field/context

Analysis: shows critical engagement with text; Critically analyses argument/s; evaluates materials and research

Answers the research question and assignment completed effectively in each section

Presentation: use of required format headings

Academic writing: clear, concise,grammatical prose; appropriately academic expression; correct use of 3rd person

Editing: evidence of careful proofreading, draft editing

Referencing: in-text citations in correct Harvard format; Reference List in correct Harvard format

Minimum of 8 appropriate references, 2000 words(quotes, citations, references and Reference List not included; 10% over or under 2000 words not including quotes is allowable)

Research report format:
Context page- shows what is contained and where by page number

Executive summary- a paragraph which indicates the topic area covered by the report; summarizes the material to be found in each section of the report
no references

Research question – details the research question(note : NOT a hypothesis)
No more that two sentences
No references

Research (including methodology) – a statement of how the material has been obtained – what research was undertaken? how  – what method was utilised? which research terms were used in the Library catalogue and Google Scholar? which databases were explored? Use third not first person and do not mention the lack of primary research
No references required

Literature review – what are the major themes that appear in the literature( choose two or three key  themes to keep the scope of the literature review  manageable) Who are the key or leading authors and what are some of the key publications? Ensure you refer to the readings supplied in the Topic List folder as well as your own independent research. Extensive referencing – citation and brief quotations –   required in this section

Findings – What did the research process show? What is the evidence? Where did the data come from? How does the research undertaken provide an answer or deeper understanding of the research question? Some referencing required to attribute sources for findings

Discussion – How does the research material located answer the question? What does the data mean? Why is it important ? What are the connections apparent between different research sources? Where could further research be undertaken and what would this achieve?

Conclusion – After all the research, what conclusions can be drawn about the topic? What is the most interesting or important thing to emerge from an examination of the research? what are the implications of the findings?

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