Read the ACA and NAADAC Codes of Ethics and compare the positions that each takes on issues of dual relationships. Provide examples of dual relationships for which these codes do not give definitive guidance about the appropriateness of the relationship. How should a counselor make a decision to enter or not enter into a dual relationship?

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Read the ACA and NAADAC Codes of Ethics and compare the positions that each takes on issues of dual relationships. Provide examples of dual relationships for which these codes do not give definitive guidance about the appropriateness of the relationship. How should a counselor make a decision to enter or not enter into a dual relationship?

Read the ACA and NAADAC Codes of Ethics and compare the positions that each takes on issues of dual relationships. Provide examples of dual relationships for which these codes do not give definitive guidance about the appropriateness of the relationship. How should a counselor make a decision to enter or not enter into a dual relationship?  References American Counseling Association. (2014). 2014 ACA code of ethics. Retrieved from  or

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