Race ethnicity

action research
August 7, 2017
Why are need assessments imperative to success?
August 7, 2017
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Race ethnicity

Multi-Racial Children

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1.    For EACH (Leslie, Erika, Curtiss, AND Henrietta)  biracial individual in the video identify:
A.    Their racial and self-identity issues

B.  Conflicts about social marginality

C. How does each resolved their conflicts or ambiguity about

a. Self-Identity

b. Social Identity

D. The role of family in developing a healthy self and racial/ethnic identity.

2.     Which individual within the video did you think had the most positive self- image?    Explain why.

3.    List three or more challenges of being a multi/biracial child

4.    List three or more positives of being a multi/biracial child.

5.    Select any one of the individuals* in the film and explain through
Symbolic Interaction theory how each of them developed their sense of self
and how they changed in response to their interaction with others.  Include
in your response at least five or more of the basic assumptions (e.g., specify
overarching themes),  primary terms and concepts (e.g.,  symbols,
interaction, social norms, rituals, salience, identity) from SI theory.  Your five
selections may cut across themes, terms, and concepts (you are not required to
do five from each area).

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