Provide a brief analysis of how effective you thought the argumentwas (you are free to comment on whatever elements of the article you think are mostimportant

It should also include comparisons with the literature where appropriate (eg are the comments in the LR supported or not?)
August 7, 2017
How many students were born in the 1980s?
August 7, 2017
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Provide a brief analysis of how effective you thought the argumentwas (you are free to comment on whatever elements of the article you think are mostimportant

Response papers should be short (3 pages maximum) and conversational – they do notneed to be structured like a formal essay, and grammar/spelling/writing will not beassessed (think of them as ongoing journal entries). Response papers on Secondary Sources should follow this model: Paragraph One: Summarize the contents of the article Paragraph Two: Identify the central argument/thesis of the article Paragraphs Three: Provide a brief analysis of how effective you thought the argumentwas (you are free to comment on whatever elements of the article you think are mostimportant – use specific examples).  

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