PHP and database
Project description
Come up with a topic for maintaining a database.
The database should store at least 5 fields of data. A single table is fine (almost like a spreadsheet)
This database application should support adding, updating, deleting and retrieving data on the mySQL database management system that is built into your LAMP stack.
Create form(s) to support the adding, updating, deleting and retrieving data. Fewer forms is better as long as you provide all the functionality.
Develop PHP server side scripting to process those forms and return appropriate responses
The server side scripting should be kept out of the HTML as possilbe using “INCLUDE” statements.
Browser interface design should be responsive to browser window size(ing).
Styling (css) and scripting (javascript) should be kept in external files.
Added on 01.12.2014 10:41
thats the database I already created.
i need to Create form(s) to support the adding, updating, deleting and retrieving data. Fewer forms is better as long as you provide all the functionality.
Develop PHP server side scripting to process those forms and return appropriate responses
The server side scripting should be kept out of the HTML as possilbe using “INCLUDE” statements.
Browser interface design should be responsive to browser window size(ing).
Styling (css) and scripting (javascript) should be kept in external files.