Parenting Styles: Adverse Effects??

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Parenting Styles: Adverse Effects??

Parenting Styles: Adverse Effects??(need better title)

   Parents play a crucial role indirect relation to children’s health, and well-being. Psychological and emotional development of children correlates directly from the relationship they have with their parents. Each parenting style reflects different elements that occur naturally in patterns of values, practices, and behaviors that parents place on disciplining and supporting their child.  Parenting styles are good predictors of academic success, psychological development, and problematic behaviors in children. Parental styling mold children in to the individuals they are today.

Authoritarian parents are considered to be controlling, rigid, and cold. Their word should be viewed as the law. Their ruling style is often a Dictatorship, not a Democracy. They use a strict style of parenting which results in obedience from their children.

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They do not tolerate disobedience.  According to ….*** Displayed punishment in a physical way toward their children. Authoritarian parents score moderately high on disciplining their child, rather than having that supportive variable most children look for. Children with authoritarian parents are most likely to become withdrawn from close relationships with their parents. They have limited social skills, as well as a bitter shyness towards outsiders. They tend to also become uneasy around peers, and males become unusually hostile toward their peers.

Permissive parenting styles as having inconsistent feedback with their children. In their minds, little is required from the child and little responsibility is necessary. They often do not require much from their child. They place little or no limits of control on their child. According to **** the number of teens with permissive parents is increasing with generations of *** Children of permissive parents are often negatively dependent, moody, and have very little social skills (Insert source here).

Uninvolved parents have the worst relationships with their children. The discipline techniques these parents use are inadequate, and unproductive. These kind of parents give little, to no supervision, and neglect their children like no other.

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