You are leading a new product development project in which there are different partners involving in the project.
The new product is not currently available in the market or patented according to the best of your knowledge.
There are typically 6 methods for protecting your Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in UK as follows: Copyright,
Design Right, Registered Design, Confidential information, Patents, Trade Marks.Presentandexplainthe
consecutive stepsfrom 1 to 6 that you will apply in order to protect the IPR of the project in UK.
It is noted that the order of the IP protection steps or IPR is important, and you are required to explain why you need
to do X before the remained IPR in which X is the IP protection step or IPR that you are doing to protect the
intellectual property of the project, including Copyright, Design Right, Registered Design, Confidential information,
Patents, and Trade Marks.