Marketing Communications Plan
The aim of this coursework is to produce a Marketing Communications Plan, based on a current communications campaign. Your task is as follows:
You should choose a current (2014/15) UK advertising & communications campaign for any Mondelez International brand (Cadburys, Milka chocolate, Nabisco biscuits, Carte Noire coffee etc). Visit their website for more details of brands:
You should collect the following information & include it in your report (note- report format please):
1) A copy of the current press, magazine, poster or link to current TV advert.
2) Any publicity details or direct marketing details.
3) Sponsorship details & sales promotional details (if applicable).
4) Copy of the company and/or brand’s (or the campaign’s) website homepage.
5) An analysis of the brand’s social media presence.
Use the Creative Club database on the University e-Library (Locate) to find an advert, or you can cut out an advert from a magazine or newspaper.
Use Business Source Complete/EBSCO to access information about your chosen brand.
Details about UK campaigns are available via trade magazines (eg. Marketing, Marketing Week, Campaign, etc), which are available in the Library, or via Brand Republic website (
You must include pictures/copies of all these items in the appendix of your report. Hard copies of any print adverts should be scanned into the appendices of your report.
To help in the analysis of your chosen campaign, it is advisable to use the following framework suggested by Chris Fill in Essentials of Marketing (Ch. 5).
Part A (of coursework):
Context Analysis (or situation analysis) for your chosen brand/product/service, including customer details (analysis of the consumer buyer behaviour etc).
Marketing Communications Objective(s): what are the communication objectives for your chosen campaign? (refer to DRIP framework in Chris Fill’s book).
Marketing Communications Strategy (& position): what is the brand position, and how does the brand communicate this? Please include positioning map, plotting your chosen brand vs direct competitors.
Communications methods: what is the main message/design of message and what marketing communications tools are being utilised in this campaign?
Scheduling: What are the (rough) timings of the marcoms campaign?
Resources (financial & human resources): Financial resources refers to the overall cost/budget for the campaign. The human resources refers to details about who designed the campaign (i.e. which advertising or creative/media agency were involved).
Control & Evaluation & Feedback: how do you think the campaign’s success will be measured?
Part B (of Coursework):
Managing Corporate Reputation
At a time when the reputation and trust held in businesses is falling, it is critical for companies to manage and improve their corporate reputations (Fill, 2013). Please describe an activity or ‘good cause’ or charity that your chosen company supports in order to enhance its corporate reputation. Discuss the effectiveness of such an alliance, particularly in terms of the company being perceived as a ‘good’ corporate citizen, and in terms of fulfilling its corporate social responsibility obligations.