List and briefly describe five considerations when selecting a scale for your study.

Discuss the types of information needed to ensure forecasts are accurate.
August 7, 2017
Identify one military unit that is utilized to combat terrorism and discuss their rules of engagement, mission, training, and resources.
August 7, 2017
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List and briefly describe five considerations when selecting a scale for your study.

MKT 405 F16 – Final Exam (15% of your course grade)

Instructions: Save this document as a Word document named MKT405-Final-[YourName]. Insert your answers after the questions you choose to answer. Do not delete the unanswered questions (this messes up the numbering). When you are done upload your exam to Moodle. Grading is based on a total of 100 points; you need to answer 90 points worth of questions; you are getting 10 points as your project success bonus.


Name (type in here):


Question 1-8 (These questions are based on the readings in your textbook and material from the class lectures. Choose questions to answer so that the points for Questions 1-8 total to exactly 50 points. Do not answer all of the questions; if you do, I will take the first combination of questions that totals 50 points.)

  1. (10 points) Big data analytics are fundamentally different from traditional market research, which applies the scientific method. Describe the scientific method. What is the primary question traditional marketing research attempts to answer and what question does data analytics try to answer instead?
  1. (10 points) List and briefly describe five considerations when selecting a scale for your study.
  1. (10 points) You have just conducted a set of focus groups for a client. The results are negative toward your new product and indicate prospective customers prefer your current product design. The client is concerned that the research projects failure for the new product. What words of advice about the research would you give the client before they make a final product decision?
  1. (20 points) A client needs a survey done quickly, and is on a limited budget. The client’s target market consists of persons from 35-to-64 years old.  You suggest an online questionnaire with an email invitation. Your colleague argues that Internet samples never produce representative samples, because so many households are not online.  How would you respond to your colleague, and why would an online survey produce the data needed, given your time and budgetary constraints? Hint: a good answer is supported with evidence.
  1. (20 points) Compare observational and survey research by identifying several of the key advantages and disadvantages of each. Give an example of a study that be better if done by observation and one that would be better if done using a questionnaire.
  1. (20 points) Your client is a pet-food manufacturer and wants to know if a new advertising campaign will influence both dog and cat owners. You decide to do an ad test with 200 households that own dogs, and 200 households that own cats. (a) What type of probability sample would you use and why? (b) What important sample is missing from your sample design (assume you have a perfect sampling frame); why does this group matter? FYI, US households own twice as many dogs as cats.
  1. (30 points) When is it more appropriate to use an ANOVA test rather than a crosstabulation with a chi-square test? Why should the ANOVA be used? Give an example of a situation in which you would use the ANOVA (describe the variables and what you are trying to determine).
  1. (30 points) Suppose a marketer is trying to predict the intention to buy their product (Y; measured on a 1-10 scale) for a given level of social media “likes” (X1) and traditional advertising frequency (X2). The resulting output is as follows:

Y = 3.67 + 1.31(X1) + 1.05(X2) with R2 = .12

Given the above outcome, explain the results to the marketer. What action would you recommend to the marketer (actions can be marketing, managerial, or both)?

Questions 9-10 (40 points; answering Question 9 is mandatory.)

  1. Using the article “Judgments of Marketing Professionals about Ethical Issues in Marketing Research: A Replication and Extension” by I. P. Akaah and E. A. Riordan (J. of Marketing Research, 26, February 1989, pp. 112-120; posted on Moodle) answer the following questions. You do not need to interpret the multiple regression analysis used in this study in order to answer the questions. But, please read the following question carefully (and answer precisely).
    1. (5 points) Is the Akaah and Riordan study reported in this article primary or secondary research (it is only one or the other)? Explain why.
    2. (10 points) The article cites the Crawford study. Under what circumstances would your knowledge of the Crawford study come from a secondary source? When would your knowledge of the Crawford study come from a primary source?
    3. (5 points) In summary, what is the first major finding of this study?
    4. (5 points) What is the other major finding of this study?
    5. (5 points) Akaah and Riordan conducted their study in order to compare results to the Crawford study, which was conducted 20 years earlier. Search and provide a citation for a similar 2012 study that compares its results to and extends the Akaah and Riordan study.
    6. (10 points) The more recent study examines a third population not surveyed by Akaah and Riordan or by Crawford. Describe the sample for this third group. What is the key finding for the study, based on comparison of the results from this new sample?
  2. (5 bonus points if answered correctly) Assuming a career in marketing, in which you are an analyst or manager who relies on marketing research results for your decision making, what is the implication of this study for use of research reports?








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