If Lisa is 17 and 360 days old and makes a contract with RentACenter, what are the ramifications of her actions?a. Can Lisa make a valid contract? Why or why not? b. What happens if she contracts, pays, reaches the age of majority and pays?

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If Lisa is 17 and 360 days old and makes a contract with RentACenter, what are the ramifications of her actions?a. Can Lisa make a valid contract? Why or why not? b. What happens if she contracts, pays, reaches the age of majority and pays?

If Lisa is 17 and 360 days old and makes a contract with RentACenter, what are the ramifications of her actions?a.            Can Lisa make a valid contract?  Why or why not?  b.            What happens if she contracts, pays, reaches the age of majority and pays? c.             What happens if she contracts, doesn’t pay, and reaches the age of majority?  d.            In what scenario would Lisa have to pay a creditor? e.            What type of incapacity defines a minor’s contractual incapacity? 

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