Find a current event article (dated within the last 6 months) that addresses fiscal policy issues in the United States today. Write a one-page (single-spaced, Times Roman font 12) paper explaining the problem and the recommended strategies being debated. Analyze these strategies using the material in Chapter 15 of Economics by Design (Fiscal Policy).

Write a 2–4-page critical essay addressing the following claim about corruption: “Corruption is a Western concept and is not applicable to traditional societies, where corruption does not have such a negative meaning.
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Find a current event article (dated within the last 6 months) that addresses fiscal policy issues in the United States today. Write a one-page (single-spaced, Times Roman font 12) paper explaining the problem and the recommended strategies being debated. Analyze these strategies using the material in Chapter 15 of Economics by Design (Fiscal Policy).

Find a current event article (dated within the last 6 months) that addresses fiscal policy issues in the United States today. Write a one-page (single-spaced, Times Roman font 12) paper explaining the problem and the recommended strategies being debated. Analyze these strategies using the material in Chapter 15 of Economics by Design (Fiscal Policy). Be sure to cite the source.

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