FierceGovernmentIT – GovernmentIT Website

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August 7, 2017
It seems the election of President Lincoln was a pivotal point in determining whether the South would secede from the Union. If anyone else was elected, would we enslave African Americans today? Why or why not.
August 7, 2017
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FierceGovernmentIT – GovernmentIT Website

This course has a Group Blog activity. Be sure to read all the instructions contained in this module item before proceeding. Each group is required to post three blog entries during the course. Groups of three will be appointed by your instructor. (The number of group members may vary slightly depending on the number of students enrolled in the course.) You will post your first blog in Module 2.

You will use your group homepage and other group tools to exchange ideas and create your group’s blog entries. 

For the blog activity, you will choose a topic from the FierceGovernmentIT – GovernmentIT Website (access the hyperlink below). The topic should be related to your most current studies in this course. Be sure to work as a team and coordinate your blog entries with your group.

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