Explain why you selected each individual and the role you think each could play on your committee.

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Explain why you selected each individual and the role you think each could play on your committee.

our dissertation committee has two primary responsibilities. One is to ensure that your dissertation meets academic and scholarly standards as defined by Walden University and the academic field. The other is to mentor you throughout the dissertation process. Those who serve on your dissertation committee can provide valuable insight into how to structure and perform your dissertation research. Thus, it is important to consider carefully those whom you will ask to assist you.

To prepare for this Assignment, peruse the Faculty Expertise Directory. Directions for access to this database are listed in this week’s Learning Resources. Based on your projected research topic, select three or four individuals who might be appropriate to serve as your dissertation committee Chair or as committee members.


The Assignment (3-4 pages):

  • Provide a list of three to four faculty members whom you could ask to serve as your dissertation committee Chair or as potential committee members. List them according to your preference.
  • Explain why you selected each individual and the role (i.e., dissertation Chair or dissertation committee member) you think each could play on your committee.
  • Compose a draft e-mail that you would send to faculty who could serve as your dissertation committee Chair. The e-mail should include an introduction of yourself, a description of your topic, and a summary (4–5 sentences) of what you have found thus far in the literature.

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