Employee Development and Psychological Tests” Please respond to the following:
- From the scenario and the first eActivity, examine two (2) areas in which the 60 percent participation rate of women in the workforce has impacted organizations in America. Predict two (2) changes that will occur in the next five (5) years in relation to this participation rate. From the second eActivity, recommend the psychological test that you believe is most appropriate for selecting the right candidate for a management position within an organization for which you have worked or with which you are familiar. Justify your recommendation
WEEK 6 E-ACTIVITY Go to eHow’s website to read the article titled “How to Determine the Impact of Employee Development on the Success of an Organization.” (copy/past) Be prepared to discuss. Use the internet to research a psychological test (such as IPIP-NEO Personality Test or the Kolbe Index) that may be used in employee development to identify individual preferences, ways of decision making, means of gathering information, etc. Be prepared to discuss. 23/9
Scenerio https://blackboard.strayer.edu/bbcswebdav/institution/HRM/500/1136/Week6-1134/Week%206%20Scenario/story.html