• In terms of written organization, use both headings and subheadings, taken from the directions of the assignment each week, to ensure all topic areas in the assignment are addressed. Hereafter and going forward please use both headings and subheadings to better organize your writing. Below is an example from an assignment with 3 ideas to elaborate upon in the assignment directions. Please be sure that all ideas in the assignment and discussion post directions are addressed and elaborated upon.
This is accomplished by developing an outline, to include the main components in the assignment / discussion directions, prior to writing your papers. The steps to ensure written organization are to:
1. Make the outline based on the assignment directions (see example below)
2. Write the paper using analysis and synthesis
3. Then edit the paper yourself (it also helps to have a family member, friend, or colleague preferably one that has little or no knowledge of the subject area to read the paper for idea clarity)
Paper Outline Example:
1. Introduction
2. Idea One (from instructions for assignment)
*******Subheadings (points to be addressed)
*******In text APA 6th edition Citations
3. Idea Two (from instructions for assignment)
*******Subheadings (points to be addressed)
*******In text APA 6th edition Citations