Discuss the occasion and purpose for the writing of two of Pauls letters from Prison (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon).

You are a judge who believes that individuals should be allowed to choose when to die.You personally had to watch both your parents die long and agonizing deaths because your state does not have a right-to-die statute. Before you is a doctor who is being prosecuted for giving a lethal dose of morphine to a patient dying of terminal cancer. The family of the patient did not want the prosecution, the majority of the public is not in favor of the prosecution, but the prosecutor believes that if there is a law in place, it should be enforced. The doctor has opted for a bench trial.
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Discuss the occasion and purpose for the writing of two of Pauls letters from Prison (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon).

There will be 7 Discussion Boards Forums throughout this course and I will place each order separately. The purpose of each forum is to generate collaborative interaction among students and the instructor concerning issues relevant to this courses content. In each module/week, you are required to post a single thread that provides answers to all of the questions asked. The combined word count for all answers in each thread must be 250 words per question/answer.

This weeks questions are below.

You must also include some reflective statements and/or applications for todays modern audience. Support your arguments, conclusions, and assertions with at least 5 scholarly citations and footnotes in each thread.

If you cite any outside sources (i.e., non-textbooks), you must use current Turabian format for Liberal Arts citations as mandated by the Seminary. (I am attaching the changes to the Turabian style mandated by the school).

You may use the course textbooks to meet the requirement of 5 scholarly citations. You may also use other relevant textbooks, scholarly articles, and online sources in which the author is identified and qualifies as a scholar in fields that are related to this courses content (i.e., New Testament Studies, ancient Jewish or Roman History, or the History of the Early Church). Do not use anonymous online sources (e.g., Wikipedia, etc.) as they cannot be counted for meeting the minimum requirement for 5 scholarly citations.

Two Textbook Sources:

Black, David A., and David R. Beck, eds. Rethinking the Synoptic Problem. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2001. ISBN: 9780801022814.
Kostenberger, Andreas J., L. Scott Kellum, and Charles L. Quarles. The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman, 2015. ISBN: 9781943965236.

You must answer the questions below. Support your answers with the information found in your textbooks, but also feel free to use critical outside sources to add to the conversation as needed. Cite all sources using current Turabian format. Restate the questions to which you are responding at the beginning of each thread.

1Discuss the occasion and purpose for the writing of two of Pauls letters from Prison (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon). Who were the opponents (if any) of Paul in these areas? What was the nature of the opponents doctrine and how did Paul respond to it?
2Discuss the occasion and purpose for the writing of two of Pauls Pastoral letters (1 & 2 Timothy, Titus). Why did Paul write these letters? What guidelines did Paul offer that may be useful to leaders today? Which ones would you put into use and why?

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