Definition of a Problem: A situation, issue, policy, or practice this is difficult and perplexing but can be improved or solved. What is a current situation, policy, practice that you see as a problem? How do you know the current situation, practice, or policy is not beneficial ?

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Definition of a Problem: A situation, issue, policy, or practice this is difficult and perplexing but can be improved or solved. What is a current situation, policy, practice that you see as a problem? How do you know the current situation, practice, or policy is not beneficial ?

Definition of a Problem: A situation, issue, policy, or practice this is difficult and perplexing but can be improved or solved. What is a current situation, policy, practice that you see as a problem? How do you know the current situation, practice, or policy is not beneficial ?  Can it be improved, changed, eliminated? How do you know?

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