Critically assess the proposition that illegal downloading is destroying the music industry.

August 7, 2017
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August 7, 2017
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Critically assess the proposition that illegal downloading is destroying the music industry.

Critically assess the proposition that illegal downloading is destroying the music industry.
would like a traditional essay please. (Introduction. 4 – 5 strong points. conclusion.)

couple notes on question topic to use as points:

Chris Rojek: Pop Music, Pop Culture (2011) (this book is very important to the topic question please could you build a strong point including Chris Rojek’s view)

Hilderbrand, Lucas. “Youtube: Where Cultural Memory and Copyright Converge.” Film Quarterly, Vol. 61, No.1 (Fall 2007), pg. 48-57

Other very useful material:
Longhurst, chapter 2 (pp. 74-84) and chapter 4 (on rap pp. 136-49).

David, Matthew (2010) Peer to Peer and the Music Industry: The Criminalization of Sharing. London: Sage – Chapter 2: The Global Network Society: Territorialization and Deterritorialization

Bourdieu, Pierre (1993) The Field of Cultural Production. Cambridge: Polity. Chapter 1: The Field of Cultural Production, or: The Economic World Reversed; pp. 27-73.

Castells, Manuel (2000) ‘Materials for an exploratory theory of the network society’, in British Journal of Sociology, 51 (1): 5-24.

Collins, Harry and Pinch, Trevor (1998) The Golem at Large: What you should know about technology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Especially chapter one – ‘A clean kill’.

Deleuze, Gilles (1992) ‘Postscript on the Societies of Control’, in October, 59 (Winter): 3-7.

Frith, Simon (1990) Facing the Music. London: Mandarin.

Hutchby, Ian (2001) Conversation and Technology. Cambridge: Polity.

Katz, Mark (2004) Capturing Sound: How technology has changed music. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Marshall, Lee (2005) Bootlegging; Romanticism and Copyright in the Music Industry. London: Sage.

Martin, Peter (1995) Sound and Society: Themes in the Sociology of Music. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

May, Christopher (2002) The Information Society: a sceptical view. Cambridge: Polity.

Thererge, Paul (1997) Any Sound You Can Imagine: Making music/consuming technology. Wesleyan University Press: Hanover

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