Compare the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution, especially in regard to the specific powers granted by each to the national government.

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Compare the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution, especially in regard to the specific powers granted by each to the national government.


1. Identify and state the historical significance of the following:

a. Benedict Arnold

b. John Burgoyne

c. Charles Cornwallis

d. George Rogers Clark

e. Richard Henry Lee

f. Horatio Gates

g. John Paul Jones

h. William Howe

i. Baron von Steuben

j. Lafayette

2. Describe and state the historical significance of the following:

a. Second Continental Congress

b. Loyalists/Tories

c. Lexington and Concord

d. Battle of Saratoga

e. Yorktown

f. Treaty of Paris of 1783

3. What qualities made George Washington a good choice to command the revolutionary army? Which contributed more to American victory: his military ability, his political skill, or his personal character?

4. List the three most important battles of the Revolutionary War. Justify your selections.

5. Many historians argue that without French aid the colonies could never have won their independence. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

6. Identify and state the historical significance of the following:

a. Daniel Shays

b. Alexander Hamilton

c. James Madison

7. Describe and state the historical significance of the following:

a. Great Compromise

b. Articles of Confederation

c. Land Ordinance of 1785

d. “three-fifths compromise”

e. Northwest Ordinance of 1787

f. The Federalist Papers

8. Compare the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution, especially in regard to the specific powers granted by each to the national government.

9. Could the United States have continued to survive and expand with the Articles of Confederation as its constitution? Why or why not?

10. Identify and state the historical significance of the following:

a. Henry Knox

b. John Jay

c. Citizen Edmond Genet

d. Anthony Wayne

e. Daniel Boone

f. John Adams

11. Describe and state the historical significance of the following:

a. “elastic clause”

b. Bill of Rights

c. Jay’s Treaty

d. Whiskey Rebellion

e. Alien and Sedition Acts

f. Pinckney’s Treaty

g. Washington’s Farewell Address

h. Judiciary Act of 1789

i. XYZ Affair

12. Compare and contrast the underlying principles and implications of the “loose” and “strict” construction of the Constitution. How did each theory regard the actual text of the Constitution itself?

13. Compare and contrast the Federalists and Republicans, especially their views on democracy, government power, the economy, and foreign affairs.

14. Summarize the central argument of the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions. Explain why they are key documents in American history.

15. Identify and state the historical significance of the following:

a. Lewis and Clark

b. John Marshall

c. Aaron Burr

d. Tecumseh

e. Oliver Hazard Perry

f. Thomas Macdonough

g. Francis Scott Key

h. Andrew Jackson

16. Describe and state the historical significance of the following:

a. Macon’s Bill No. 2

b. war hawks

c. Barbary pirates

d. Judiciary Act of 1801

e. Chesapeake affair

f. Marbury vs. Madison

g. Embargo Act of 1807

h. Non-Intercourse Act of 1809

i. Treaty of Ghent

j. Hartford Convention

17. Was the “Revolution of 1800” a real revolution in the sense of overturning an old political order and bringing a new class to power, or was it simply a moderate “renovation” of the American political system that actually confirmed its legitimacy? Justify your answer.

18. What were the causes and the effects of the Louisiana Purchase?

19. Why did the United States avoid war with Britain in 1807 and again in 1809, but end up fighting in 1812?

20. Which do you think was the major cause of the War of 1812: western war hawk territorial expansion, British violations of American neutrality rights on the high seas, or the urge to uphold national honor and pride? Justify your answer.

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