Compare and contrast key characteristics of two early civilizations (choose from Mesopotamian, Shang, Indus Valley, Chavin, and Phoenician) in terms of three of the following: economy, political system, art and architecture, religion, technology, legacy.

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Compare and contrast key characteristics of two early civilizations (choose from Mesopotamian, Shang, Indus Valley, Chavin, and Phoenician) in terms of three of the following: economy, political system, art and architecture, religion, technology, legacy.

NOTE this is supposed to be 5 paragraph. Here’s the text for the question:

1. Compare and contrast key characteristics of two early civilizations (choose from Mesopotamian, Shang, Indus Valley, Chavin, and Phoenician) in terms of three of the following: economy, political system, art and architecture, religion, technology, legacy.

Pretty much just answer the question. It’s the kind of thing you would write for an AP test if you had 30-40 minutes

Outline (suggested in the course):

thesis statement

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Paragraph 1
Topic sentence (economy, religion, tech, etc)
examples from both civilizations (from supplied sources only or else my teacher will think something is up)

Paragraph 2
Topic sentence

Paragraph 3
Topic sentence

Restatement of main points
restatement of thesis
something that answers the question of “why should we care” to tie it all together

Sources they want me to use (my textbook):

Last source is optional

My only requests are to follow the outline, use information from the sources I gave and use a thesis that answers the question directly without sounding too weird (Which is the bit I had trouble with). Citations are not necessary. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

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