Both face-to-face and online students will undertake this assessment task.
The individual assignment (approximately 3000 words) should be done in essay format with headings and it is designed to allow you to develop through research a practically orientated topic. This task requires you to select a particular product/ service or event category of interest to you and discuss specific consumer behaviour influences related to it.
The research paper will be presented in two sections: Section A is a reflective piece in which you analyse your own thoughts and behaviours towards your chosen product/service/event category; Section B addresses the Consumer Behaviour themes raised in the previous section.
You are expected to apply some of the concepts/ models or theories used in the course as well as secondary research (eg. periodicals, trade publications, newspapers etc). The essay should link the concepts/theories or models to the chosen product or service and provide some insight into the kind of behaviour trends that are relevant at the present time, or may be relevant in the future. Students should also analyse the consumer behaviour issues and discuss the implications these issues may have for marketers.