Analyze relevant leadership concerns for an increasingly global future and commit to an emerging leadership theory that is appropriate to guide enactment of your leadership agenda.

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Analyze relevant leadership concerns for an increasingly global future and commit to an emerging leadership theory that is appropriate to guide enactment of your leadership agenda.

  This assignment provides an opportunity for you to analyze relevant leadership concerns for an increasingly global future and commit to an emerging leadership theory that is appropriate to guide enactment of your leadership agenda. Be aware that Gardner’s five minds is not a theory but a model. Emerging theories include relational leadership, Theory U, contingency theory, and path-goal theory.   What you create in this assignment is the starting point for the Leadership Development Plan, which is due in Unit 5. Remember that the plan is about you, your career, your organization, and your industry. If your company or industry is local or national only, think of how it might impact or be impacted by the global environment. The work you completed in the discussions in Units 1 and 2 should have prepared you to write this assignment.     In this paper, complete the following:       The completed paper should be 4–5 pages (excluding cover and reference pages). You also need to utilize citations and reference from a minimum of four credible sources.   Refer to the scoring guide prior to submission to ensure you meet all evaluation criteria.           Paper is due 22 October 2015 at 12:59 pm (CST)    

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