American History

Cite relevant sources in the APA format on a separate page. Include in text citations.
August 7, 2017
Identify the top three (3) activities that you believe could impact the project completion date.
August 7, 2017
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American History

What assumptions about the relationship between government and society underlay Johnson’s Great Society programs?

What light does the Montgomery bus boycott shed on the goals and strategies of the 1950s civil rights movement?

Should Richard Nixon be considered an environmentalist? Why or why not?

What factors combined to produce enormous increases in American economic productivity in the 1950s? Who benefited the most from increased productivity? Who did not benefit? Why?

How did the Nixon administration appeal to the conservative movement?

What impact did Nixon s strategies in Vietnam have on the United States?

What did voters find appealing about Ronald Reagan in 1980? What groups were most attracted to his message?

Is it fair to describe the Carter administration as a “failed presidency”? Why or why not?

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