1. If you aren?t sure what plagiarism means or what may constitute plagiarism, please consult the university
website for guidelines about this. We WILL NOT tolerate cheating, the copying of papers, or plagiarism. Cases
of plagiarism will result in a zero (0) for the assignment and possibly additional punishments.
2. Extensions will not be granted; however, as mentioned earlier, late submissions will be accepted without
penalty as long as we are provided with a note from the Emergency Dean.
3. The paper must be double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font, and have standard margins. It should be
between approximately eight-ten pages in length (2000-2500 words). You must have a word count for your paper
in your header. It also MUST be stapled!
4. Please use the following citation style for all course materials: (Molloy, page number(s)); (Author, page
number(s); (Lecture, date); (Section, date); etc. If you are confused about how to properly cite a source,
please ask your TA. NOTE: You DO need to have a works cited page.
5. Make sure you address all components of the question.
6. Do not write your paper in a style that is choppy and overly vague. Even though the question you are
answering may have multiple parts to answer, your responses should all flow together as a whole and not be
distinctly separate parts. Make sure that your discussion of the central concepts is properly supported by
relevant examples. Make sure that any specific terms you use (e.g., Ritual, Salvation, Myth, etc.) are
clearly defined and properly explained, not simply listed.
7. PROOFREAD YOUR PAPER!! It is also important that you have someone else proofread your paper as well We
cannot overemphasize the importance of making sure multiple people have looked over your work before you turn
it in. You do not want us to be the first people to read your work.
8. In addition, your TA may also have his/her own instructions for your paper. Please consult your TA about
his/her specific instructions regarding the paper. Also, please ask your TA what his/her policy is on reading
advance drafts and/or going over preliminary paper ideas with you, should you be interested in feedback
before the due date. Each TA may have a slightly different policy on this.
Term Paper
The traditions we have studied this semester present a wide range of connections between the mythological and
the other five dimensions as detailed by Ninian Smart. One of the goals of these connections is to give
adherents an understanding of their identity within the larger universe (i.e. who they are in relation to the
ultimate reality/ultimate other [God]).
In this paper we want you to:
a) select one (1) religious tradition from the ?Eastern Traditions? and (1) one religious tradition from the
?Western Traditions? we have explored in this class;
b) examine (1) one instance of the connection between the doctrinal dimension and the mythological dimension
within each of the traditions you selected in a);
c) and, finally, compare and contrast the ways in which the myth-doctrine connections in b) inform their
adherents about their place in the larger universe (i.e. who they are as individuals and/or a people).