Write on a source that opposes the position you are presenting in your Research Project(i.e,Problems Causing Obesity), or that offers an alternative perspective

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Write on a source that opposes the position you are presenting in your Research Project(i.e,Problems Causing Obesity), or that offers an alternative perspective

Read the attached Exploration on Problems Causing Obesity and follow the instruction below:

This Summary/Critique will be done exactly as the first two (see attached S/C Instruction). For this one, though, you will write on a source that opposes the position you are presenting in your Research Project(i.e,Problems Causing Obesity), or that offers an alternative perspective: for example, it might define the problem you are writing on differently than you do, or present a different solution than you do. Presumably you will need to address opposing positions or alternative perspectives in your final paper anyway, so this assignment gives you a chance to demonstrate that you can do so clearly and fairly. Include a full citation for whichever source you write on.

Please let me know if you have any question(s).

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