Below is the minimum amount of material you should submit as an outline. This one (from another course) received a grade of B and could have been improved by having more text in the outline describing the sections and more precise citations (that included page numbers). Lloyd
HIST 285
Winter 2017
Health and Medicine During the Black Death, 1325-1350
Thesis: What were the roles of plague doctors during the Black Death in the fourteenth century?
Introduction: The Black Death was one of the largest pandemics in history. Today, it is known as the Black Plague or the bubonic plague. Medieval people called it “the blue sickness,” La pest (“the Pestilence”) and “the Great Mortality.” The word bubonic comes from the Latin word bubo or the Italian bilbo, meaning a pustule or swelling. It led to the deaths of 75 to 200 million people, peaking in Europe in the years 1346-53. Most of the victims died within three or four days of developing symptoms, while others died after two weeks. The plague spread throughout the Mediterranean and Europe, killing an estimated 30-60% of Europe’s total population. Most scholars believe the Black Plague was a bacterial strain of Yersinia pestis. Medieval doctors had no idea of what caused the Plague, and antibiotics were not available during this era. There were different types of doctors during this time period, and challenges came from a lack of fully qualified physicians to treat the number of patients. This paper will examine the reactions of physicians to the Black Death during the fourteenth century.
Part 1: Medical education and medical practices
Part 2: Doctors acted as public servants (Wray)
Part 3: What doctors believed caused the Black Death
Part 4: Methods (Cantor)
Conclusion: How search for cure led to scientific thinking during the Enlightenment
Primary Sources:
George Deaux, The Black Death 1347. New York: Weybright and Talley, 1969. Chapter IV, pp. 75ff.
Secondary Sources:
Cantor, N. F. (2001). In the wake of the plague: the Black Death and the world it made. Simon and Schuster.
Siraisi, N. G. (2009). Medieval and early Renaissance medicine: an introduction to knowledge and practice. University of Chicago Press.
Slavicek, Louise Chipley. The Black Death. New York: Chelsea House, 2008. Print.
Wray, Shona Kelly. Communities and Crisis: Bologna during the Black Death. Leiden: Brill, 2