What policies should an organization have in place to encourage individual ethical responsibility? What training should they offer?

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What policies should an organization have in place to encourage individual ethical responsibility? What training should they offer?

Before you answer the below questions, please watch the below video on the the Milgram’s Obedience to Authority Experiment. Also make sure you read the textbook chapters.



There are a number of issues that arise as a result of the experiment. Responsibility is, in large part, understood in the experiment (i.e., the director of the experiment accepts full responsibility and the person throwing the switches on the electric shock generator relinquishes his/her own repsonsibility and transfers it to the authority figure).

Considering the Chapter 4 readings and the “Obedience” video, please respond to the following questions:

1. What would it take for you to stop the experiment (i.e., what could the victim have said that would have made you stop)? From an Ethics perspective, where must one draw the line? Where appropriate, relate your responses to this week’s readings.

2. In the experiment, the researchers found that a significant number of the test subjects obeyed the commands fully. What factors are in place in our society that may have contributed to this high percentage of obedience? Are these factors in place in elsewhere.? If the experiment was conducted in some other country, what do you think the change in percentage would be? Please explain.

3. What policies should an organization have in place to encourage individual ethical responsibility? What training should they offer?

4. In thinking about Chapter 9, discuss one key concept relating to production or operations management that you found most interesting and how it impacts on the workplace.

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