What are the implications of this case for future product-related lawsuits?Discuss.

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What are the implications of this case for future product-related lawsuits?Discuss.

Complete the answers to the five questions listed below (DO NOT USE QUESTIONS FROM TEXTBOOK), in relation to Case 23, “McDonald’s: The Coffee Spill Heard “Round the World”, pp. 676-679.

1. What are the major issues in the Liebeck case and in the following incidents?  Was the lawsuit “frivolous” as some people thought, or serious business? Support / Defend your stance, and cite sources used.

2. What are McDonald’s social (economic, legal, and ethical) responsibilities toward consumers in the Liebeck case? What are consumers’ responsibilities when they buy a product such as hot coffee?   How does a company give consumers what they want and yet protect them at the same time?

3. What are the arguments supporting McDonald’s position in the Liebeck case?  What are the arguments supporting Liebeck’s position?

4. If you had been a juror in the Liebeck case, which position would you most likely have supported?  Why?

5. What are the implications of this case for future product-related lawsuits?  Do we now live in a society where businesses are responsible for customers’ accidents or carelessness in using products? Support / Defend your stance, and cite sources used.

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