Romantic Story

paper plan about the film ”Memento”
August 5, 2017
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August 5, 2017
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Romantic Story

Application Paper #2
Welcome to the second paper for this class! For this paper, you are to refer to the stages of a relationship in Chapter 7 (pp. 207-215). Recall a relationship that you experienced with either a friend or a romantic partner that ended at some point. You may change the names of the people to protect their identities. If you do not wish to disclose such information, then you may also go through the stages of a relationship using a romantic comedy (“chick flick”) type movie. The movies you are allowed to choose from are: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days starring Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey, The Notebook starring Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling, or (500) Days of Summer starring Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. If you want to analyze a different relationship that is not from these movies, you must let me know at least two weeks in advanced, just in case I have never seen it before and I have to watch it.
After selecting a relationship, you will go through the stages of the selected relationship using the ones from your textbook (the initiating stage, exploratory stage, etc). Refer to figure 7.3 on p. 208. I also need to know which strategy was used during the time of the relationship. For example, if reconciliation occurred, which strategy was used? Third-party mediation? Tacit persistence? Maybe more than one was used? Remember that the termination stage must have occurred somewhere in the relationship. The relationship either could have terminated completely OR gone through reconciliation. Please bold or italicize the stages. Specific examples must be given when describing each stage in the relationship. I want to know what happened specifically. For example, “Susie and Kevin reached the intensification stage through the use pet names. Susie would refer to Kevin as her ‘boo,’ and Kevin called Susie his ‘honey baby.’” I expect more detail in your papers. A rough draft is not required for this paper, but I am more than happy to look through your papers before you turn in the final submission. You may use the first-person tense while writing your paper (the use of “I”).
Same with your application #1 paper, this is a standard multiple paragraph essay and a proper introduction, thesis statement, body, and conclusion (however many body paragraphs you need to explain the stages is up to you). If you feel so bold as to research externally outside of your textbook, please include a reference page but it is not required.
Format: TYPE a 2-3 page thoughtful analysis about the stages of the relationship. Papers must be 12-point font, Times New Roman, double spaced, with 1-inch margins, and in black ink. Papers must have your name, course time, the date, and my name (spelled correctly). Points will be deducted if any of these details are missing. I will not accept papers through e-mail unless in the case of an emergency. You must submit a hard copy to me in class. LATE PAPERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Papers must be carefully edited for grammatical errors. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to reading these papers. ?

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