Provide an explanation of the role of the team member you chose.

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Provide an explanation of the role of the team member you chose.

In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of the following learning objective:

  • Justify the collaborative role of transition team members who actively participate in transition meetings and examine the steps required in a transition-planning meeting. 

The assignment represents your mastery of the Course Learning Outcome 5.

In this assignment you will consider a hypothetical transition meeting. To make this meeting more productive, you have decided to create an informational brochure or handout that you would want others in the meeting to understand. For example, as a special educator, what would you want the general educator to know about the transition process, or what would you want the parents to know?

To prepare for this assignment, view the video below titled Be a Superstar – Take the Survey – Student. This video interviews high school graduates one year post-graduation to ask “Where are You Now?” Next, reflect on how creating a realistic and attainable transition from high school to post-graduation independence takes time, planning, and a strong team of professionals and family who all have the student’s best interest at heart. The transition meeting can include the school principal (who may have links to community agencies), representatives from community agencies, a school counselor or psychologist (who was involved in assessments and interest inventories), the special educator, a general educator (who may have a role in the student’s education), the parents, and the student. In addition, parents can invite anyone else they believe will add value to their child’s independence (Levinson & Palmer, 2005).


Video link:


InstructionsYour assignment must be submitted in a brochure or handout format. Access several free examples by visiting Microsoft Office Templates or create your own template. Use the following guidelines for creating your brochure/handout.



Your assignment must be submitted in a brochure or handout format. Access several free examples by visiting Microsoft Office Templates or create your own template. Use the following guidelines for creating your brochure/handout.


  • Definition (2 Points): Include a definition of special education transition services with a foundation in IDEA.
  • Role (2 Points): Provide an explanation of the role of the team member you chose. For example, if you choose the child’s parents, their role is as the child’s advocate, to share with the team members what their child enjoys at home, and to keep a record of follow up information learned during the meeting.
  • Steps (3 Points): Include each of the steps involved in the transition process with a brief explanation of how the chosen team member is a contributor at each stage.
  • Questions (3 Points): Create at least three common questions that may be asked of this team member, including their possible answers. For example, a transition team will commonly ask parents what their child enjoys at home or where they see their child in five years.

Written Communication

  • APA Formatting (1 point): Use APA formatting consistently throughout the assignment.
  • Syntax and Mechanics (1 point): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.
  • Source Requirement (1 point): Reference six scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook that provide compelling evidence to support your ideas. All sources on the references page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment. The source for any images must be included with the brochure/handout references.

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