Prepare a communications policy for a company that you are familiar with or a fictitious company you create.

Discuss the historical perspective of the time when the policy was discussed or implemented.
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Prepare a communications policy for a company that you are familiar with or a fictitious company you create.

Assignment 2: Required Assignment 1—Developing Communications Policy

In this assignment, you will prepare a communications policy for a company that you are familiar with or a fictitious company you create. The communications policy will map the type of communications messages (e.g., organizational or strategic changes, procedural changes, information important to organizational subgroups, confidential information, unwelcome information, etc.).

Using the module readings and the Argosy University online library resources, research requirements of and methods of creating communications policy documents.

Create a communications policy document that covers the following:

Identify the audience
Describe the media (including social media) to be used
List and explain the appropriate approvals required
Explain the tools and tactics to be used

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