Two Parts/Paragraphs:
Explain how geologists place geologic timeline boundaries (i.e. Proterozoic Phanerozoic
boundary,Paleozoic-Mesozoic boundary, Paleocene-Eocene boundary).
Pick an actual geologic timel in boundary and describe the evidence used to
pin point this boundary.Hint:It is the same reasoning forEons,Eras, Periods and Epochs.It isonlya matter of scale.
In2008 a formalproposalwassubmittedtotheStratigraphyCommissionofthe GeologicalSocietyofLondonto createa new epoch,the Anthropocene.What is the Anthropocene? Whatis your opinion, have welefttheHoloceneandentereda new epoch?Providetwolinesofevidencethatsupportyouropinion.