Pick a current area (Region, state, event…) in which interesting international events are taking place. Can you think of possible explanations for those events from each of the four levels of analysis?

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Pick a current area (Region, state, event…) in which interesting international events are taking place. Can you think of possible explanations for those events from each of the four levels of analysis?

1st Individual Response Assignment Instructions
Question: Pick a current area (Region, state, event…) in which interesting international events are taking place. Can you think of possible explanations for those events from each of the four levels of analysis? (See Table 1.3 , p. 18 .) Do explanations from different levels provide insights into different aspects of the events?
Purpose: This question is meant to help you think about what you have read and prepare you for discussion; hence answering this question and being prepared to discuss on the due date is required to participate in class.
Instructions: Answer the Critical Thinking Question Above. Submit a MS Word Document through .

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