Order Description
* Introduction
– Working title of thesis
-Key research theme is identifiied and succintly conveyed
-what do want to research and with what in mind
– researc is focused through an appropriate question
** Review of Literature
– justification of the study from the literature
– why is this researh worth doing
– does the research indicate potintial to contribute to an existing or an emergent area of work?
is the research original and likely to produce new knowledge?
*** Research Method
-Aims and objectives of the study
– research question and/or hypotheses
note: mixed methds design must be used ( the convergent parallel design).
* references style must be Academy og Management.
pls do not start writing till you send my the outline, and also i need to send you some materials.
you should read these articals befor starting
1- What we discovered About NHRD and What It Means for HRD ( Cho&McLean)
2- NHRD in Transitioning Socities in the developing world: introductry overview( Paprock)
3- NHRD in Transitioning Socities in the developing world:concept and challenges ( Lynham&Cunningham).