Make a list of 8 technical terms that are unfamiliar to you and find their definitions. If you are familiar with all terms, think about terms your peers may not be familiar with.

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Make a list of 8 technical terms that are unfamiliar to you and find their definitions. If you are familiar with all terms, think about terms your peers may not be familiar with.

  • Minimum 2-page double-spaced font size 12 summary of this article:
  • Use below to answer the 2-page summary
    • Objective and goals of the investigation
    • The context in which this work is relevant
    • Description of the study
    • What theories or models was the study based on? (USE HEALTH BELIEF MODEL SEE ATTACHMENT)
    • Analytical or experimental methods used
    • Brief description of results
    • Main conclusions of paper
    • How could this article or investigation be improved?


    • Look up 2 articles referenced at the end of the original article. Articles must be from the last 5 years. Write a paragraph for each article describing why the author referenced them. (USE THESE TWO ARTICLES TO DESCRIBE WHY THE AUTHOR REFERENCED THEM
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • Include at the end of the summary 8 technical terms with definitions:
      • Make a list of 8 technical terms that are unfamiliar to you and find their definitions. If you are familiar with all terms, think about terms your peers may not be familiar with.


    • At the end of your assignment, be sure to cite all three articles. Use correct JNEB reference style. See below regarding how to do this.


    • To cite an online source, provide the following information in this order and format: Name of author/agency. Title of document. URL. Accessed month and date, year. Example: National Cancer Institute. Cancer Health Disparities. Accessed September 15, 2008. GRADING CRITERIA:10%: Technical Writing, Organization, and Communication 50%: Qualitative Analysis and Synthesis Full credit for finding the 2 references that are from scholarly journals that your articlereferenced from the last 5 years, and including a summary of each referenced article.10% Published correctly and high-resolution picture relates well to article chosen.  
    • 10% All three article citations use correct JNEB reference style.
    • 20%: Literature Search
    • Full credit for technically sophisticated summaries and explanations that are written in your own words, and demonstrate clear understanding of concepts presented in the paper.
    • Full credit for strong, grammatically correct technical writing, clear organization of report, easy to read figures and tables, and meaningful and compelling reasoning.

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